2021 Excellence In Design Announces Awards
American Buildings has announced the winners of its 2021 Excellence In Design awards. Project winners were chosen in a variety of categories to highlight the diverse application and expansion of the metal building construction industry. In addition to category winners, first and second-runners up, honorable mention, and a 2021 Building of the Year were awarded.
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New Assembly for R-Boost Now Available
We are pleased to announce an improvement to our R-Boost™ Elevated Insulation System. In an effort to improve thermal performance capabilities of the R-Boost system, a NEW R25+R38 assembly has been developed and is available immediately.
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Multiple Buildings in eQuote: Become Familiar with the Building Manager
Our Tips From eQuote series is designed to highlight new and existing features, and tips and tricks within the software program of which you may or may not already be aware. This month’s tip explains working with multiple buildings in the building manager in eQuote.
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Virtual eQuote Training — Managing User Account & Settings
We’ve recently developed a library of training videos to help our Builders learn eQuote. The video library is available on the Builder Dashboard in eQuote Resources. This month we are highlighting a training video on managing your user account and settings.
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eQuote Update Scheduled
There is an eQuote update scheduled for Monday, May 10, from approximately 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The site will be unavailable during this update.
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