B&D Dairy & Livestock Buildings
Cattle and Dairy Buildings: Split Face Block Walls
B & D Dairy consists of two livestock metal buildings and a rotary milking parlor with a milk room, mechanical room and offices. The exterior features split face block walls, multiple framed openings, a loading area, and a holding area.
A privately owned company, B & D Dairy uses 7,000 acres of land to produce corn silage and alfalfa for their 7,500 animals. They ensure all animals are given the best nutrition, and with this new facility, a comfortable environment in which to be milked and housed.
- Location: Pound, WI
- Size: 11,448 sf
- Wall System: Split face block
- Roof System: R-Panel
- End Use: Rotary Milking Parlor
Builder: Keller, Inc.