Research & Development Building: Horizontal Panels

The Ashley Automation Lab is Ashley Furniture’s research and development building located on their main campus in Arcadia, WI. The single slope steel building was constructed in a tight time-frame, incorporating a modern look to compliment other Ashley buildings. The sustainability measures used were super insulated Architectural "V" Rib walls and ceiling and use of LED lighting.

The building features a 3,720 sf stand-alone mezzanine with 20 gauge 1.5C Deck, supported with masonry block walls on all four sides.  ABC provided support for both stair systems. It was a challenge installing an elevator and re-positioning the stairs after the mezzanine floor structure was already delivered. 

  • Location: Arcadia, WI
  • Size: 20,000 sf
  • Wall System: Architectural "V" Rib
  • Roof System: Standing Seam
  • End Use: Research & Development Lab
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